Quality That Makes a Real Difference

Quality That Makes a Real Difference

Spruce is an extremely useful softwood – it is lightweight and naturally resistant to rot, making it perfect for a wide range of uses. Those same properties also make it one of the easier woods to manipulate and work with: meaning that in addition to construction, this wood is ideal for use in musical instruments, furniture, and other more delicate and ornate projects.

It can take more than three decades for spruce to grow to a harvestable height and diameter, even though it is a ‘fast-growing’ tree at around 12 inches per year (depending on the environment). The temperature, weather, and humidity in eastern European countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia mean that these are ideal locations for spruce – which is evident by the expansive forests seen in these countries.

We also supply beech firewood. Beech is particularly effective for this use as it is easy to split and burns for a longer period and with less smoke output than many other commercially available wood types. In addition, beech has a particularly high heat output, which means that fires built using this type of wood are more effective at heating the home and/or business.

Beech grows at a fast rate: depending on the climate and environment, the tree can grow between 12 and 20 inches per year. Once harvested, for the wood to be optimized for fire use, it must be left to dry and season for around 10-14 months.

Logging and timber supply have been established industries for Bosnia and Herzegovina for decades, as the area is well known for the quality of the wood produced.

The companies that we work with for our timber supply are all FSC® (FSC-C119554) certificate holders, meaning that they adhere to the highest social and environmental standards. All of our products are sourced from responsibly managed forests.

You can place your spruce-sawn timber order direct with SETCO by clicking the button below – we ship internationally from our home ports and can guarantee the quality of our supplied materials.